A lot of those anticipating teaching English in Argentina move here with only a solid working knowledge of the language and a hope and a prayer. Others may feel more confident — and find it easier to secure a job — with a bit of training. Teacher certification programs can help job seekers stand out […]

Teaching English in Argentina: Logistics of the Job
Teaching English is the most common job among English-speaking expats in Argentina but the experience can vary widely from ‘easy money’ to ‘logistical nightmare.’ There are a number of things to consider before taking an English teaching job with a school. It’s also important to plan for the sometimes involved logistics of the job in order […]

Teaching in Argentina: 5 Things to Consider Before Taking a Job
Landing a job as an English teacher in Argentina can vary from quick and easy to almost impossible. Young, attractive females with a clear American or British accent will likely be inundated with job offers. Those who don’t fit into this bracket may not find it quite so simple, although experience, a teaching certification and […]

En Negro or Blanco? The Legalities of Working in Argentina
After a successful interview in Argentina, some investigation is required before taking a new job offer. As a foreigner, it’s important to nail down the details related to visa status, work responsibilities and pay so that an employer does not take advantage of you. Legal: ‘En Negro,’ ‘En Blanco,’ or ‘En Gris’ Most […]

How to Speak Spanish Like an Argentine
It takes about two minutes after arriving in Argentina to notice that Argentine Spanish is distinct from Iberian Spanish and the U.S. ‘food truck Spanish’ of those who only took remedial Spanish in school. At first, it sounds like bastardized Italian (thanks to Argentina’s many Italian immigrants) and it differs considerably from the Spanish spoken […]

Where to Learn Argentine Spanish Online & Beyond
Anyone looking to travel or move to Argentina will have to reckon with its unique version of Spanish, which, with its own vocabulary, slang, and Italian-flavored intonation, differs from what most people learned in high school. There are plenty of resources that can help Spanish language learners get a handle on the basics of the […]

Six Tips to Get the Most Out of Your Semester Abroad
The study abroad dream is to pop into a new culture, make local friends and travel the country before gliding back home brimming with new experiences and a fresh lease on life. Ideally, the culture shock phase should be skipped, allowing maximum time for the jumping in and having fun part. Like most dreams, this can […]

Argentina Celebrates Two Year Anniversary of Same Sex Marriage
Same sex couples are celebrating today on the two-year anniversary of legal gay marriage in Argentina. The country’s groundbreaking gay marriage law, signed by President Cristina Kirchner on July 21, 2010 is the only of its kind in Latin America. According to the group, Comunidad Homosexual Argentina (CHA) 6,000 same sex couples have married since […]

Happy in Argentina
The catchiest tune of 2014, Pharrell’s Happy has made it to Argentina. The official video put out by Sony Music Argentina was mostly shot in the upscale Palermo neighborhood and features local celebrities such as rock journalist, Carlos ‘Bebe’ Contepomi and TV personality, Connie Ansaldi. Although his story since falling into a coma in 2010 […]

La Noche de los Libros: Buenos Aires Book Night
Buenos Aires has a well-earned reputation for being a city of book lovers and the yearly Noche de los Libros (Night of the Books) is yet another event to indulge in the city’s love of literature. On Saturday, November 29th the event will kick off at 7 p.m. with a free concert by internationally acclaimed […]